Posts Tagged 'Richard Wilhelm'

Bridging East and West

The Asheville Jung Center is presenting a Global Web Based Seminar on Thursday, September 20, 2012, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST. The title is “Bridging West and East: C.G. Jung and Richard Wilhelm, a Fateful Relationship.” Richard Wilhelm was a German sinologist, theologian, and missionary who was most well known for his translation of the I Ching. Presenters are Murray Stein, Training and Supervising Analyst at the International School of Analytical Psychology (ISAPZurich) in Zürich, Switzerland;  Bettina Wilhelm, granddaughter of Richard Wilhelm and a professional filmmaker; and  Shiuya Sara Liuh, a Training Candidate at ISAPZurich and a psychotherapist in practice in Taipei, Taiwan.

In 2012 Bettina Wilhelm  published an 87-minute documentary, “Wisdom of Changes,” about her grandfather and the I Ching. You can view the trailer here.

For the story in Carl Jung’s words, here is an excerpt from Memories, Dreams, Reflections.


The NWA Friends of Jung meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month in the library at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

The Sunday Dream Group meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays from 2–3:30 in the library at St. Paul’s.

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